ADDL Schedule
Purdue ADDL and Heeke ADDL will be
closed on the following University holidays.
2006 |
23-24 |
.......... |
Thanksgiving |
22-26 |
.......... |
Christmas |
2007 |
January 1 |
.......... |
Year |
15 |
.......... |
Martin Luther King |
congratulations to Drs. Kim Maratea, Ingrid Pardo and Phaedra
Cole for successfully completing the American College of Veterinary
Pathologists certification qualifying exam. |
ADDL welcomed three new graduate students July 1, 2006. |
Dr. Fenton |
Dr. Johnson |
Dr. Webster |
Dr. Kent Fenton is a 1998 graduate of the Western College of Veterinary
Medicine, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and was most recently employed by Feedlot
Health management Services, Okotoks, Alberta, Canada
Dr. Robert Johnson is a 2006 graduate of the Purdue
University School of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Joshua Webster graduated from the Michigan
State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2003 and earned in PhD in
Pathobiology and Comparative Medicine from MSU this past summer. |
Graduate students Dr. Pam Mouser and Dr. Dinesh
Singh were awarded travel grants by the American Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians to attend its annual meeting in Minneapolis, MN, October, 2006. Both will be presenting scientific papers at the meeting. |
Serology technicians Cheryl Parker, Brenda Turner, Alice Hardebeck, and Cheryl Chapple have successfully completed
proficiency testing for Brucellosis, Equine Infectious Anemia, Bluetongue,
Bovine leukosis. These proficiency tests are provided by the USDA's National
Veterinary Services Laboratory |
On the Road |
Drs. Tom Bryan and Ching Ching Wu attended the National Poultry
Improvement Plan biennial conference in Portland, OR, September, 2006 |
Dr. Greg Stevenson traveled to Bangkok, Thailand and Manila, Phillipines to
present papers on swine diseases, September, 2006 |
Dr. Roman Pogranichniy traveled to the Slovak Republic to present a paper
at the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Infectious and
Parasitic Diseases of Animals,and continued to Hungary, Serbia, and the Czech Republic to consult with virologists. |
Dr. Roman Pogranichniy attended the National Animal Health Laboratory
Network Methods Technical Working Group meeting in Fort Collins, CO, September, 2006 |
Drs. Steve Lenz and Steve Hooser attended the
Elanco-sponsored meeting on rumensin in Indianapolis, IN, August 2006 |
Margaret Gelhausen, Heeke ADDL Bacteriology Technician, attended the annual
Association of Veterinary Microbiologists meeting in Gatlinburg, TN, August, 2006. |
Dr. Steve Hooser attended the Merck Summer Research Scholars national
meeting in Baton Rouge, LA, August, 2006 |