Horses are particularly susceptible to cantharidin, with
the minimum lethal dose 1 mg/kg of the horse's body weight. Experimentally, as
little toxin as 0.45 mg/kg of body weight has been fatal. One of the most
important characteristics of this toxin is that it can exert its effects in the
absence of the blister beetle bodies. Also, cantharidin withstands degradation
by heating or drying, making it difficult to remove the toxin even during
processing of alfalfa bales or alfalfa pellets where the beetles are commonly
Cantharidin is odorless and colorless, so it is important
to monitor alfalfa hay for early detection of the blister beetles or their
parts, as a preventive measure. If gone unnoticed within the alfalfa hay, once
ingested it is highly irritating, causing acantholysis of the gastrointestinal
tract, especially of the esophagus and nonglandular portion of the stomach, and
of vesicles in skin or mucous membranes of horses. Cantharidin acts by
altering mitochondrial metabolism via its inhibition of protein phosphatase,
which is involved in the control of cell proliferation, activity of
membrane-associated channels and receptors, and modulation of protein kinases
and phosphatases. The inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A causes an increase
in permeability of endothelial cells in a time- and concentration-dependent
fashion by enhancing the phosphorylation of endothelial regulating proteins.
Clinical signs begin to appear 6-8 hours after ingestion
of cantharidin. The affected horse may experience colic due to the irritation
and vesicle formation in the gastrointestinal tract or because of decreased
contractility, hypomotility and ileus. Also, it may be restless, irritable,
sweating, have diarrhea and/or submerge its muzzle in water, (a common sign of
cantharidin toxicosis). Cantharidin toxicosis also causes mucosal hemorrhage
and inflammation of the urinary tract, which may manifest itself as signs of
hematuria, stranguria and/or dysuria. The cardiovascular system is less frequently
affected but, clinically, a horse may present with syndoronous diaphragmatic
flutter (SDF). This is caused by alteration in membrane potential of the
phrenic nerve and its discharge in response to electrical impulses generated
during myocardial depolarization. The nervous system is less commonly
affected, but an affected horse may present with aggressive behavior,
seizure-like muscle activity secondary to colic, or muscle fasciculations.
Most commonly, the horse presents with colic, depression, fever, dehydration,
gastritis, esophagitis, and oral ulcers.
Laboratory findings can also be helpful in diagnosing
cantharidin toxicosis. Serum calcium is usually markedly decreased and may
remain low for prolonged periods. This hypocalcemia may be manifested
clinically as SDF, tremors, or abnormal facial expressions, such as clamped
jaws with lips drawn back. The serum magnesium concentration is also usually
low, while creatinine kinase can increase markedly within the first 24 hours
after ingestion. In acutely affected horses, urinalysis reveals markedly
decreased specific gravity, often less than 1.101, and hematuria with or
without myoglobinuria. Also, in acute cases, horses are frequently
hyperglycemic and analysis of peritoneal fluid may reveal increased protein,
greater than 4 g/dl, with normal numbers of white blood cells and fibrinogen
levels. If the toxin has caused renal tubular necrosis and/or hypoproteinemia,
there may be increases in serum urea nitrogen, approximately 50-70 mg/dl, and
increases in creatinine, approximately 2-10 mg/dl. Total protein may be normal
or increased during the first 24 hours, but then drops dramatically. Most
commonly, the horse's laboratory findings include hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia,
and azotemia.
Cantharadin toxicosis can be confirmed using high pressure
liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect and quantify cantharidin in the urine of
live or dead horses, and in the gastric contents, liver, or kidneys of dead
horses. It is best to submit at least one pint of stomach contents or 20 ml of
urine on ice for analysis.
At necropsy. erosions in the oral cavity, esophagus and
stomach may be seen, as well as ulcerated to pseudomembranous enteritis. The
most commonly reported gross pathologic lesions include necrosis and ulceration
of the squamous lining of the distal esophagus, forestomach and urinary
Histologically, sheets of epithelium lifted from the
serosal surface with normal epithelium in between can be seen, as well as
hemorrhagic, ulcerative cystitis that appears as desquamation of epithelium,
hyperemia, and marked hemorrhage in the bladder. Renal tubular necrosis is
also visible. Occasionally, ventricular myocardial necrosis, which appears as
foci or streaks in the papillary muscles and under the epicardium, may be seen
both grossly and histologically.
There is no specific antidote for cantharidin toxicosis,
so the treatment is usually directed at cantharadin removal, reduction, and
immediate symptomatic therapy. The fatality rate can be as high as 65%, but
with aggressive therapy, can be reduced to 20%. Horses with a toxic dose can
die within 3-18 hours of onset, but, if they survive for 72 hours, recovery is
more likely. Calcium and magnesium supplementation for prolonged periods of
time is almost always indicated, but their administration should be carefully
monitored and linked to serum chemistries. If the horse is exhibiting signs
of gastritis, often indicated by submerging the muzzle in water repeatedly,
sucralfate can be administered as a protectant. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
(NSAIDs) can alleviate pain and protect against endotoxemia, but should be used
with caution because NSAIDs are toxic to the kidney if the horse is dehydrated
and if renal damage has occurred. The horse should also be stall rested for
5-10 days.
Prevention is the most effective way to avoid cantharidin
toxicosis. The first cutting of hay is often free from blister beetles because
the adults do not emerge until late May or June (in the southwest and southern
plains, if cut before mid-May). Also, it is important not to crimp the
hay during cutting so that the beetles can escape rather than get trapped and
incorporated into the hay. Cutting the alfalfa at 10% or less can decrease the
chance of poisoning because beetles are attracted to flowering plants.
Scouting the fields for beetles and treating with a short residual insecticide
before cutting helps to prevent blister beetle infestation. Sevin XLR has been
has been used for prevention of infestation by blister beetles and other toxic
insects. Carbaryl and parathion have also been commonly used to kill blister
beetles, but have a pre-harvest waiting period that does not give them adequate
residual activity to kill blister beetles that enter the field from spray time
until just before harvest.
Blister beetle, or cantharidin, toxicosis is an important
disease that should be considered when horses present with colic or acute death
soon after ingestion of alfalfa. A definitive diagnosis may be determined if
there is a history of feeding alfalfa or alfalfa-containing products,
laboratory findings of hypocalcemia with or without hypomagnesemia,
identification of blister beetles in hay or GI contents, and gross
identification of ulcers in the distal esophagus, stomach and urinary bladder on
necropsy. Confirmation using HPLC to determine the presence and amount of
cantharidin in stomach contents or urine can be used. In order to prevent
cantharidin toxicosis, proper cutting of alfalfa, surveying of fields and use
of an insecticide, if necessary, are recommended.
-by Cindy Echevarria, Ross Student
-edited by Dr. Steve Hooser, ADDL Toxicologist
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