Purdue ADDL and Heeke ADDL will be closed on the following University holidays in 2007.
July 4 |
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Independence Day |
September 3 |
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Labor Day |
November 22-23 |
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Thanksgiving |
December 24-25 |
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Christmas |
December 31, January 1 |
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New Year |
Dr. Peg Miller, ADDL Pathologist, won the 2007 Samuel W. Thompson Lectureship Award as the Outstanding Lecturer for her four hour lecture on dog and cat diseases at the C.L. Davis Foundation’s annual Symposium on Gross Morbid Pathology of Diseases of Animals.
Dr. Pam Mouser, ADDL Pathology Graduate Student, was recognized as the Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher in the SVM Department of Comparative Pathobiolgy.
At the 2007 School of Veterinary Medicine Honors and Awards banquet:
Dr. Dinesh Singh, ADDL Graduate Student, was recognized as a Nominee for the National Phi Zeta Research Award in Basic Science
Dr. Ingeborg Langohr, Graduate Student, was awarded the Dennis Sikes Scholarship in Veterinary Pathobiology.
Dr. Langohr also won first place for her research presentation “Experimental reproduction of Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease by co-infection of Germ-Free Pigs with Ruminant pestiviruses and Porcine Circoviruses type 2”, at the annual North Central Conference for Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians held in Ames, Iowa, June, 2007.
On the Road
Mary Woodruff, Virology Supervisor, attending the Association of Veterinary Microbiologists annual meeting in Madison, WI, April 2007.
Dr. Roman Pogranichniy, Head of Virology/Serology, traveled to the Czech Republic to establish a cooperative program and collaborations with the Veterinary School.
Dr. Roman Pogranichniy, was invited to participate in the National Pork Board PRRS genetic resistance/susceptibility Task Force meeting in Des Moines, IA, May, 2007
Drs. Roman Pogranichniy, Ingeborg Langohr, and Hueling Wei attended the North Central Conference for Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians in Ames, Iowa, June, 2007