News from the Virology and Serology Sections
Dr. Roman Pogranichniy and the Serology and Virology Sections of are pleased to announce the following new tests now available at ADDL.
Hemagglutination and inhibition assay (HI) for the detection of antibodies to H1N1 and H3N2 influenza virus in swine serum. Tests will be performed at the beginning of each week
ELISA for detection of antibodies for IBR in bovine serum samples. Tests run daily.
gB cELISA for screening and detecting antibodies to PRV. This is a USDA-licensed test on serum and plasma
Virus neutralizaiton (VN) for detection of antibodies to BRSV.
Virus neutralization (VN) for the detection of antibodies to Porcine enterovirus sergroups 1-7
IFA for the detection of antibodies to Porcine circovirus
Antigen capturing ELISA for the detection of canine parvovirus and rotavirus in feces
A list of all tests offered in the virology and serology section can be found on the updated sample submission form as well. These forms can be downloaded from our website at (Click on Submission forms on left navigation bar).
If you have questions or comments, please contact Dr. Pogranichniy at 765-494-7440. |