Guidelines for
Submitting Bovine Ear Notches
for FA testing for Persistently Infected BVD
1. Ear notches should be taken with a sharp adult-sized
pig ear notching tool.
- Baby pig ear notchers, punches and other cutting and punching
tools are not recommended; the sample they provide is too
small for an accurate test.
- Dull notchers can damage the sample.
Ear notches need to be fresh and from healthy ears.
- Avoid testing scabby or frostbitten ears.
- DO NOT put sample in formalin.
- Samples should be fresh and chilled, NOT FROZEN.
3.Package individually in tubes or vials.
- Number tubes 1-........ and with animal identification
to match information on the accession form.
4. If submitting more than 50 ear notches, please give
prior notice (765-494-7440) at least 24 hours to allow for
fastest possible processing of samples.
-by Virology Laboratory Technicians |