Congratulations to Dr. Brad Njaa, ADDL pathologist, Dr. Lavun
Anothayanontha, ADDL graduate student, and former graduate
students Drs. Cindy Fishman and Matti Kuipel for successfully
completing the AmericanCollege
of Veterinary Pathologists board examination and earning the
distinction of Diplomate, ACVP.
The Bacteriology labs at both Purdue ADDL and Heeke ADDL
have passed the Johnes culture and PCR check tests.
Congratulations particularly to Bonnie Vera, Cecelia Santrich
and Tom Hooper who routinely perform these tests for ADDL.
Dr. Matti Kuipel won the graduate student poster award at
the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
meeting in Birmingham, Alabama,
October 2000.. His poster was titled Coronavirus Associated
Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis (ECE) of Ferrets.
Dr. Randy White was named Chairman of the Aquaculture Committee
of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.
Dr. Tsang Long Lin, Avian Pathologist, presented his research
on Turkey Corona Virus at the World Poultry Congress 2000
in Montreal, Canada
in July, 2000.
Drs. Greg Stevenson, Chuck Kanitz and Suresh Mittal (VPB)
presented their research on porcine circovirus at the International
Pig Veterinarian Society annual meeting in Melbourne,
September, 2000.
Drs. Leon Thacker, Ching Ching Wu, Greg Stevenson, Chuck
Kanitz, Steve Hooser, Duane Murphy, Robert Everson, Bill Van
Alstine, Randy White, Matt Renninger, Tariq Qureshi (VPB),
and Alan Bunning, Linda Yankovich, Christina Wilson attended
the American Association of Veterinary Diagnosticians annual
meeting in Birmingham, Alabama,
October, 2000.
Dr. Tsang Long Lin presented his research findings on a DNA
vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease of Poultry at the
World Congress of Vaccines meeting in Leige,
August, 2000.