NITRATE POISONING Nitrate poisoning occurs most often in cattle and less often
in other ruminants, but it can occur in horses, dogs and cats.
It is seldom reported in swine. Clinical diagnosis,
treatment, confirmation and prevention of nitrate poisoning
is presented with cattle as the principle species; other
species will be mentioned where applicable.
Diagnosis requires identification of the clinical syndromes
associated with acute and chronic nitrate poisoning. Acute
toxicity can be described in three clinical phases:
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and central nervous. Chronic
toxicity is discussed separately. Clinical signs are usually
apparent within 0.5-4.0 hr(s) of ingest ion of toxic concentrations
of nitrate. Abdominal pain evidenced by a tucked abdomen,
frequent urination, diarrhea and other signs of colic in
the gastrointestinal phase may rapidly merge with those of
cardiovascular insufficiency caused by vasodilation and methemo-globinemia.
Dyspnea, tachycardia, and brown or chocolate discoloration
of mucous membranes are reported most often, but apparent
cyanosis is seen in some individuals. Cytotoxic anoxia causes
tremors, ataxia, and bel-ligerence which can progress to collapse,
coma and occasionally convulsions.
Vasodilation causes peripheral and splanchnic congestion
with brown discoloration, petechiation, and ecchymoses on
mucosal and serosal surfaces.
Other diagnostic considerations to be ruled out include causes
of sudden death (cyanide, Japanese yew), hypo-tensives in
companion animals (amyi nitrate), and other methemoglobin
producers (Table 1).
Chronic nitrate poisoning is correlated with abortions,
Still births and stunted calves. Abortion is attributed to
maternal and fetalmethemoglobinemia resulting in fetal anoxia
(particularly in the last trimester of pregnancy). More recently,
unpublished data indicates serum progesterone is reduced
in chronic nitrate toxicosis in cattle and, possibly, horses.
Chronic nitrate toxicosis causes loss of condition, loss of
weight, reduced milk production and weakness. Hypo-vitaminosis
A, hypovitaminosis E, and hypothyroidism are reported in
cattle and swine.
Treatment of acute nitrate poisoning is directed at reduction
of methemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin by methylene blue. A 1%
solution (W/V) of methylene blue in isotonic saline is administered
slowly intravenously at 8.8 mg/kg body weight in ruminants,
and at 4.4 mg/kg body weight in ruminants in refractory cases.
Some caution should be used in using methylene blue in the
dog as at higher doses it causes Heinz body formation.
It should not be used in cats. Treatment can be repeated in
15-30 min. Additional treatment includes oxygen therapy and
inhibition of gastrointestinal bacteria that convert nitrate
to nitrite. Sodium citrate has been suggested as a possible
treatment for methemoglobinemia in the cat. In chronic toxicity
supplementation with vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and
minerals may be beneficial. Repositol progesterone may reduce
abortions in cattle.
Confirmation of nitrate toxicosis requires analyzing the
suspect source of poisoning, seru, ocular fluid, or frozen
rumen contents for nitrate/nitrite or measuring methemoglobin
whole blood. Concentrations of nitrate/nitrite associated
with toxicosis are listed in Table 2. Methemo-glob in concentrations
of 65-80% are associated with death (lower concentrations
in active animals). Clinical signs are usually seen when
methemoglobin reaches 30-W%. Blood samples for methemoglobin
analysis should be rapidly frozen within 2 hrs. after death.
Other sources of nitrates include standing water (farm ponds,
field creeks, pig swills), contaminated ground water, slurry
pits, limestone pits, fertilizer wagons, whey and silage.
John M. Sullivan, DVM
Graduate Student
Prevention of nitrate poisoning requires removal of inciting
causes. The most cannon source of poisoning in the herbivore
is ingestion of toxic forage. Plants accumulate nitrate in
acid soils with low molybdenum, low sulfur,low phosphorus,
low manganese, low magnesium and high nitrate; particularly
in aerated soils at lower temperatures or during drought conditions.
Cloudy weather decreases reduction of nitrate to an mom a
in the plant and causes nitrate accumulation. Any additional
stress to the plant can modify me-thobolism allowing nitrate
accumulation. Phenoxyherbicides(2,4-D;2,4,5-T) are corrmonly
associated with increasing the palatability of nitrate accumulating
Hay can be a particular problem, especially in improperly
cured or stored bales. Bacterial action can convert available
nitrate to nitrite which is 7 to 10 times more toxic than
nitrate. Levels of nitrate are not significantly reduced
in curing and will actually increase on a wet weight basis.
Adequate testing of stands, or bales of suspect forage, can
be done quickly with the diphenylamine test kit. The test
provides reproducible results in identifying forage with >1.0%
Suspect forage should be harvested late on sunny days at
least 1 week following significant periods of rainfall or
cloudy weather, particularly when ending a drought. Lists
of plants commonly known to be nitrate accumulators are widely
fertilizer |
chlorates |
nitrobenzene |
acetaniline |
acetaminophen |
iodate |
bromate |
hydroquinone |
organic nitrates |
anyl nitrate |
trinitrotoluene |
sulfonamides |
phenylhydrazine |
cuprous copper |
Acer rubrum |
other causes of Heinz body anemia |
humans, adult
MLDs are given in mg/kg
40 ppm-U.S. Public Health Service Drinking WaterSafety
400 ppm-considered safe for domestic animals
2000 ppm-no signs of toxicity within 35 days
3000 ppm-acute toxicity in cattle after 3 days
Ocular fluid/serum
20 ppb-highly suggestive of toxicity
> 30 ppb-diagnostic of toxicosis
0.12-0.15%-possible link to abortions (lowered serumprogesterone)
0.21%-hypovitaminosis A in ruminants
0.44%-generally considered safe
0.50-1.00%-use with caution
>1.0-1.5%- toxic
The following tips may be helpful to those of you submitting
aquacul-ture samples to the ADDL for diagnostic purposes.
submit live fish for diagnostic evaluation. Live fish acutely
affected with a disease that has not been treated is the best
submission. Live fish should be placed in a strong
plastic bag with enough water to cover the fish and the bag
can then be filled with compressed air or oxygen. During the
sunrmer months, crushed ice should be packed around the bag
for overnight shipment or personal delivery.
submit fish found dead in the water. It would be of very
limited value for microscopic examination, since fish autolyze
rapidly. Similarly, tissue from autolytic fish are of little
value for bacterio1ogic evaluation since there is marked post
mortem contamination of fish.
submit water samples for toxicologic evaluation where toxicity
is suspected. Examples of toxins which can be detected fror;
tank or pond water samples include copper, nitrates, pesticides,
and insecticides.
submit water samples for oxygen content determination.
The oxygen concentration of water samples submitted will
change subject to the diffusion of gases into and out of the
sample. Encourage producers to purchase "test kits"
for oxygen concentration determinations since it must be
performed on-site for accurate results.
If you have questions concerning fish diseases or other aspects
of aquaculture please call Dr. Randy White, ACC.L (317-494-7440)
or Mr. La-Don Swann, Aquaculture Extension Specialist at
Dr. M.Randall White Veterinary Pathologist |